September 2008

Father-Daughter Time

Last week I was on a business trip to Helsinki, Finland so I had to miss my daughter for a couple of days. But this weekend I had some time to make it up: we spent some great time on a farm with some friends. Of course this photo was not taken by myself, but by my wife. 🙂

                   Hotel Room View

Hotel Room View

I always like hotel rooms with a view. This week I was lucky to get a room with a nice view on a harbor in Helsinki. (Photos taken from the Radisson SAS Seaside hotel)

Btw, if you are into panorama stitching; check out Microsoft’s newly released ICE tool, it a fantastic application to stitch photos together so they become panorama’s. It’s very easy but still has a lot of advanced options.


This week I’m in Helsinki Finland. There is not much tourist-time, but I managed to make a couple of walks in the city center. The picture above is the cathedral of Helsinki, an impressive building, made even more impressive by the stairs in front of it.

Hidden Mushroom

Hidden Mushroom – Here is a mushroom that tries to look unsuspicious in the green grass.

High in the Sky

Last week I received the terrible news that a dear friend and colleague passed away while he was working abroad. I’m not very religious, but thinking about he’s now in a nice place is a comforting thought. I dedicate this photo to him. It was taken the day before he died and I wish I had taken more time (it was taken with my pocket cam while playing outside with my daughter).

I will miss you pal.

Let There Be Light

A light pole in Prague, Czech Republic.

Like Father, Like Daughter

I guess every parent wants to pass something on to their children, just like every parent is pleased when somebody says “he/she has your eyes, nose, …”. Apparently our daughter Fran (1.5 years old) has observed her father (me) pretty good; today she grabbed our little point-and-shoot camera, put it in front of her eyes and pointed towards me while I was taking the daily picture with the D300.

It looks like a simple action, but if you think about it, it’s pretty amazing that a 1.5 year old toddler knows that the little black box (the point-and-shoot) is the same thing as the big black thing (the D300) that her father holds in front of his eyes quite frequently. I never put the point-and-shoot in front of my eyes, since it doesn’t have an optical viewfinder. She is so smart, she amazes me every day. 🙂